Cereal Products
Cereals are used throughout the food supply chain and are the grass crop we grow in our rotation program. Their versatility and resilience make them a pleasure to grow.
Winter Cereals
Wheat, oats and barley are all part of out winter cropping program. Either as for hay, silage or grain.
Summer Cereals
Our summer cereal program includes millets, sorghum and corn. Primarily on our lighter country we focus on millet production and keeping inputs low and returning a large body of stubble to the soil
Pulse crops are an invaluable part of our cropping program. They fix nitrogen for following crops, break grass disease cycles and produce high value grains that are sought after in the market.
Summer Pulses
Black Eyed Peas, Adzuki Beans and Mungbeans are all part of our summer pulse rotation. They can be either exported or consumed on the domestic market and are very high value crops.
Winter Pulses
Chickpeas and fieldpeas are the mainstays of our winter pulse program. Chickpeas are generally exported to India, Pakistan or Bangladesh. Whilst field peas are supplied into the domestic market either as peas for human consumption or high value stock feed
Horticultural Products
These high value crops give us the opportunity to maximise our returns per megalitre and per hectare of production. They are high return, but also high risk so they form part of our cropping program rather than our whole program
JAP Pumpkins provided a leg in the door into horticultural production for our business. They are hardy, produce high yields and require no special equipment to get started. We have been expanding our pumpkin production area each year and they will remain the cornerstone of our horticultural program in the short term.
Sweet Corn
Sweet corn is the ideal partner to pumpkins in our horticulture program as it has different water and nutrient requirements as well as a completely different disease profile.